Credit counseling is more than just an agency taking a monthly payment from you and sending it to your creditors. If that were the case there wouldnt be a need for the word counseling in credit counseling.
It is your agencies responsibility and duty as a credit counseling organization to do everything that can be done to prevent further credit and debt problems for you and your family in the future.
If you are currently working with a credit counseling agency ask yourself these questions:
•Did they push me into their credit counseling plan without reviewing all options?
•Do they offer free educational services and classes to their clients? Or do they educate the public at no cost.
•Did they create a sound credit counseling plan for me? Did they help me work out a budget I can stick to?
•Are they there for me with help when I have questions?
With several different credit counseling organizations out there it can be difficult to know who has you, the consumer, at the top of their mind. Finding a credit counseling organization that is in that has the methodology and practices in place that benefit you the most can be difficult. It is important to thoroughly research any company you are currently working with or may work with in the future.
Written by Rick Munster
Rick is the Media Planner for He resides in Boise, ID.