It is no secret that more and more consumers today are carrying greater and greater levels of personal debt. With spending rising faster than income levels, it is easy to see how quickly this situation can get out of control, and that is where a solid debt consolidation program comes into play.
One of the most attractive things about debt consolidation programs is that they allow consumers to quickly get out from under their debt loads, and to pay off those loans with lower interest rates. The idea behind debt consolidation loans is to pay off high interest debt, like credit cards, using a lower interest loan. The lower interest rate allows the consumer to pay off more of the balance faster, without an increase in the required monthly payment.
There are many different kinds of debt consolidation loans on the market, of course, and it is important to choose the right one for your needs. Some debt consolidation loans will take the form of home equity loans or home equity lines of credit, and they can be a good choice, but only for the well disciplined homeowner.
That is because taking unsecured debt, such as credit cards, and securing it with the most valuable asset you own, your home, can be a risky strategy. If you feel that you could slip up and run up additional debt, it may be better to choose another way to consolidate your high interest debt.
There are fortunately a number of personal loans that can be used to for debt consolidation. The interest rate each consumer can achieve on such debt consolidation loans will of course vary along with his or her credit score, so it is important to shop around for the best deal possible. Getting several different quotes, from several different lenders, is the best way to ensure getting a deal you can live with.
Of course paying off existing high interest credit card debt and other loans is only half of the debt consolidation picture. The other side of the coin is just as important, and it involves learning to spend wisely and leaning to use credit properly. There are no courses in proper money management and credit usage, and most of us end up learning as we go along. It is important to exercise a combination of good budgeting, common sense and proper planning to make sure your debt consolidation plan stays on track.
Brooke Sikula is a freelance writer based in Ventura, CA and writes on a wide range of topics from home improvement to credit repair and everything in between. She is a regular contributor to and For more information and advice on credit issues, check out