Do you have credit card debt? Well if you do you are not alone, as there have been many studies on this problematic issue for America. It appears that the average person in the population has $8,000 to $10,000 in credit card debt, depending on which survey you read and it is a very important issue for our Nation.
This is caused by a couple of things such as the difference between living wages and the cost of living in America. Additionally it shows a bit of US decadence in our population and a sense of the deserving of the good life, wrapped in golden sheets of instant gratification.
Unfortunately this is causing friction in our economy and affecting peoples future. When you invest money over time you hope to get annual returns of 7.7% or more per year thru stocks, mutual funds or funds which track the S and P or Russell. Yet some people are paying interest the wrong way, some as much as 18-22%.
Obviously this defeats the purpose of investing and in most cases makes investing nearly impossible, after all where is the money coming from you are already paying the extra discretionary income to Multi-National Conglomerate, the credit card company. And many Americans are making minimum payments and most all that is interest. But the credit card bills will be paid off by 2026?
If you are in this situation you need to get out of it. You need some help and advice and you need to do it now. If you find yourself charging your fuel, groceries, or every day needs then it has gone too far. You need to fix this problem or you will end up dead or broke at age 65. Think on this.
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