With the cost of just about everything on the rise, it is more critical than ever to get your debt under control. Have you reviewed your credit card statements lately?
Recently I did and found some shocking numbers. On almost all of my credit cards the interest rate had risen to what some might call “loan shark” status. That is why it is more important than ever to get your debt consolidation plans going now.
I dont know about your comfort level but 27% and higher on credit card interest is scary.
Ok, so we agree, its time to get a jump start on this process. But the next logical question is how?
Here are a few ideas to get the ball rolling in the right direction:
1. Do some research and find out what option you may have. There are many resources out there to help. If you do a search on Debt Consolidation, youll find many services that will help, as well as, articles to help you understand what you can and cannot do. Overall, you owe it to yourself and your family to tackle this bear now.
2. Contact a few resources to see how they can help. Be careful, your just doing due diligence and so you dont want anybody running your credit reports at this point. Many of the resources will claim that they can help you out of this jam but your focus should be on information gathering. Dont commit at this point.
3. Use the internet to find out what resources you have at your disposal. Using the internet to identify outstanding do-it-yourself resources could save you money and time. There are a lot of great programs out there that will help you achieve your goals.
4. Gather all of your information. Make sure you know exactly where you stand. Its important that you put down all your outstanding debt on paper so you know your starting point.
5. Finally, you need to clear up what you dont need. Stop spending on items that are really not important. This will be the hardest step. Youll have to make some hard decisions and that wont be fun but it is necessary if you are serious about getting out of debt.
Overall, you need to set a plan in motion, do some research and find out where you stand. Awareness is the first stage of action.
Greg Meares understands the stress caused with debt and debt consolidation (http://www.debtrepaironline.com). As a result, he has provided a very informative portal to provide people with free articles and other tools to take action and change their lives for the better. Visit: http://www.debtrepaironline.com to learn all about your solutions available.