Many people facing financial difficulties owing to large multiple debts search for free grants or government debt consolidation loans. They are not left disappointed because there is a plethora of web sites that promise guaranteed government grants for anyone who prefer to become one of their thousands of satisfied customers. The advertisers entice customers to take advantage of the billions of dollars that the federal government gives away in grants. They claim that this money can be used to pay off personal debts without paying anything back in return. The greatest part of the deal is that the money comes absolutely free.
It sounds way too good to be true and so much like every consumer's dream that one has to wonder if it could really be true. Is there any loan that pays for an individual's debts with no repayment necessary? Unfortunately, there is no such government program that provides grants for personal debt repayment or any program that provides money as debt consolidation loans to an individual.
Advertisements that promote guaranteed grants for paying off debts are often a scam. The Federal Trade Commission has warned about such advertisements, saying that grants are usually given by government or organizations for the betterment of the community, society or people at large. Though an individual may be in financial difficulty, no organization would be willing to dole out money to pay off all their credit card bills.
Any useful, applicable information on various Government grants can be had on the official web site
Bad Credit Debt Consolidation provides detailed information on bad credit debt consolidation, bad credit debt consolidation advice, bad credit debt consolidation grants, bad credit debt consolidation help and more. Bad Credit Debt Consolidation is affiliated with Non Profit Debt Consolidation Companies.
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