There are a lot of times in your life when you need a loan. Maybe you want to buy your first house or your first car. Or maybe you want an electronic object, a very good computer or other things that you want to buy and you don't have money. For all these things a loan is the solutions.
So, you start to think and analise for the first time if there is any possibility to have this money from somewhere. If no, than you need a loan.
The next problem is how much you can borrow. I mean how much you can afford it. Because I am sure that everybody wants the best product, the best car and the most beautifully house. But the amount of money you can borrow depends on many factors but the most important is your revenue. Or your family revenue. And if the sum is big like a hose loan you also need some goods because the bank or the financial institution need some guaranties or persons who can pay instead of you if you running out of money.
So, after you decide upon the amount of money you can afford it there nothing else to do then find the cheapest solutions. So you go to a bank to see what you need for getting a loan.
But what you can do if this is not your single loan? Because sometimes a loan is not sufficient. Your expenses need for more loans. For this moment you can try to get an another loan bigger than the other one but sufficient and of course pay the first one. Which I think is the best solution. Because if you will get an another loan and another loan and so on first that you will not get forever a loan and second you will not be able to pay anymore the debts because there will be to much to you.
I prefer this option because once you will have a single loan, second you can extend the period because the amount is bigger and third the expenses involved in getting one loan is less than the expenses for three or more loans.
Analia Jones is project manager of She work as an economist to a private bank in Romania. Visit her page