If you are looking for information about how to repair your credit, you may see suggestions about debt settlement. Some may recommend that you repair credit with debt settlement negotiation. This is an option that may work or may hurt. Here are the facts.
If you are trying to learn how to repair your credit, there is much to learn. It is advisable to learn as much as you can before you try anything, unless you contact an attorney to do it for you. Trying to improve or repair credit with debt settlement may be risky on your own, particularly if you have no experience with it.
Suppose you owe a creditor a large amount of money. This may be a debt that was turned over to a collection agency. If you have problems like these and you are trying to learn how to repair your credit, then you need to proceed carefully. Companies which advertise that they can repair credit with debt settlement are not being completely honest. A debt settlement generally means that a collection agency or creditor agrees to accept a smaller amount than you actually owe. Some companies advertise that they can settle past due taxes in this way as well. What you should be aware of, if you are trying to learn how to repair your credit, is that these companies charge you a fee. If you owe a very large amount on taxes or some other unsecured debt, then you may save money by hiring a company to help you, but generally it is wise to talk to your creditors yourself, before the debt becomes excessive due to late fees or interest.
The only credit repair with debt settlement that you can hope to achieve is that the negative information will be removed from your credit report. This does not mean that the debt will be listed as “paid as agreed”, but simply removed. If you have the money to pay the debt, go ahead and call the creditor. Ask them if they will remove the negative information from your credit report, if you pay the debt. Ask them if they will accept a lesser amount. If you think that you would be uncomfortable talking to the creditor, write them a letter. If you are trying to learn how to repair your credit on your own, you are going to need to learn to communicate with people like this, either on the phone or in writing.
For more information about how to repair your credit, visit http://creditfixnow.blogspot.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Patsy_Rose