When debt becomes difficult or impossible to repay it is hard to know what to do and whom to turn to. Most people struggling with debt are not aware of the options they have and find themselves going round in circles often borrowing more and more cash or doing expensive Debt Consolidation Programs.
What you need is independent debt advice, at no cost to yourself. Debt advisors licensed by the Office of Fair Trading under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, are obliged to give you best advise on solving your debt problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Initially it is advisable to try to and combat your debt problems yourself. First of all you will need to find out the full extent of your debt, make a list of exactly what you owe to each of your debts and what they want as a monthly payment you need to include all your debts, loans, credit cards, store cards, catalogues, overdrafts, car finance, if you leave anything off you are only fooling yourself.
Next you need to find out exactly what income and living expenses you have, again make sure you include everything. Once taking away all your living expenses from your income you will now know whether you have enough to pay your debts. Try and now look for ways of saving money on your living expenses this could help provide you with the cash to meet your debt repayments.
If the situation cannot be corrected by budgeting or cutting back, then there are financial solutions designed specifically to get you out of debt as quickly and affordably as possible.
Whatever you do don’t jump into the first loan or debt management plan that you come to, there has been a lot of Bad debt advise given by companies trying to make quick profits so look around and investigate all your options before making a decision.
The Free Advice Centre is a free debt advice site. It is full of useful information and gives details of recommended companies. Visit http://www.freeadvicecentre.org.uk