Consolidating your credit card debt can be difficult if that debt has caused you to miss payments and accrue penalties and late fees. The marks on your credit can make it harder for you to get a consolidation loan to pay your debts off, but if you put in the extra effort to consolidate your debts and pay them off, the payout will come in an increase in your credit score. There are 3 helpful hints that will help you consolidate your debt.
Talk to a credit card counseling service.
A counseling service will help you to figure out what your bills are and just what you can afford to pay. By knowing upfront what you will owe each month, you will better be able to budget your money and make payments on time, improving your credit. Many companies can negotiate with the companies you owe money to and get your fees knocked off, reducing your overall amount of debt.
Shop around for companies that help people with bad credit.
There are companies out there that want to help people with bad credit to get a fresh start. A little research online should point you to several loan providers that are willing to work with you. Be prepared to pay a higher interest rate than you would if you had perfect credit, but understand that the higher interest rate you are paying is no where near the amount you pay on credit cards.
Take out a home equity loan.
If you own a home, borrow against the equity in your home to consolidate your high interest debts. Because you are offering your home as collateral, your bad credit wont affect your ability to get a loan and will ensure you very low interest rates.
Consolidating your debt is your first step to paying it off and improving your credit. With the help of the internet, it is easy to find a company that will help you pay off your high interest credit cards and get your credit report back on track.
Carrie Reeder is the owner of, an informational website about various types of loans online.
View our Recommended Debt Consolidation Companies Online.
Also, view her recommended lenders for a home equity loan online.