I hope you read Part 1 which gives a basic introduction to
manipulating your debt to your own advantage in order to clear
it quickly.
But you want different results from your life from now on,
Well change starts from within. There is ONLY one way to change
the results you get in life - you must change what produced
those results.
Everything starts with a thought. The chair youre sitting on,
the movie you last watched, the company you work for, (or the
organisation that pays your benefits) - the thought comes first.
Your thoughts have created your world and will continue to do
If you cannot change your thoughts you will not change your
behaviour. If you cannot change your behaviour you will not
change the results you get from life. You will never lick the
debt problem, let alone get wealthy.
If you want to get different results in life YOU must live your
life differently. Change your behaviour - and that means change
your thinking first!
This is not rocket science it is well-documented fact and
youve probably already realised it, youve just maybe never
done anything about it.
BUT you cannot learn everything you need to know to be
successful in this life by working on a ‘trial and error basis.
It is essential to learn from other peoples successes - and
their failures.
You will need to find out whats been holding you back all
these years and why youve gotten into a mess in the first
You also will need to know how to apply fundamental and
universal principles in your personal life that will guarantee
that you start getting different results - the results you
really wanted all along!
There is now a wealth of wisdom that is proven and accepted,
indeed recognised and applauded by some of the greatest men of
all time.
These practical insights reach from today, right back into the
great American depression of the 1930s.
You probably dont need me to tell you that the challenges that
we face today, the hurdles and the principles for success -
theyre the same today as they have always been.
Yes there are 13 Essential Secrets for Success ... Practised by
Lifes Great Achievers and Wealth Builders.
By learning and applying some essential ageless and universally
recognised principles we can leap-frog our current capabilities.
Today you can benefit from the distilled wisdom of some
profoundly successful people. Its a fact ... Henry Ford,
Charles Schwabb and Thomas Eddison all practised the same 13
simple principles.
YOU too can enjoy real, unbridled success when you employ these
same, easy principles. Principles that are daily delivering
ordinary people from scratch to Riches … Converting their
Ideas into money.
You can easily discover;
* Whats been holding you back in life - why you havent gotten
the results you wanted!
* What it takes to generate True Wealth.
* What really works in business and in life and why.
* You can have all the ideas in the world - but how do you
actually make things happen - turn them into money?
Learn to;
* Establish the starting point for ALL achievement.
* Turn lifes setbacks into stepping stones to success.
* Organise & apply knowledge, convert it into whatever you wish
that is of use, without wasting time.
* Take a thought, translate that into an idea, then make
organised plans to realise your dreams.
* Accumulate sufficient money to guarantee your financial
* Having learned what to do and how to do it, acquire the needed
stimulus to make a start!
There are genuine, practised and proven shortcuts to becoming
debt-free and generating true wealth. With this knowledge you
can access the successes and the failures, the common attributes
and the principle methods that others have needed to succeed.
It will cost you very little indeed to acquire wisdom - wisdom
that others fought for - painful lessons that cost them dearly.
Learn fast from the life experiences of men who actually
accumulated riches in huge amounts. These are not privileged
people. They are not geniuses, but ordinary people just like you
and I. People who began in poverty, with little education and
without influence.
If you want to know how to extend and marry these universal
principles and lessons with state of the art business-building
information - specialised knowledge that is today only really
understood and implemented by a select few you guessed it, you
just need to ask.
This really does give the ‘average man or woman - those who
really need a helping hand - a chance to really turn things
around once and for all.
Radically Increase Your Income
Imagine if you could JUMPSTART one (and then several)
additional streams of income by learning exactly where to go
and what to do - in effect standing on the shoulders of giants
right from your own home and in your spare time.
We live in the ‘information age and today we have a huge
opportunity, the scale of which few people really understand.
You and I can use the same principles that rocketed men into
fame and wealth during the early 1900s (a time that held
enormous and unbounded potential). Just like them, you and I
also face a time that holds enormous and unbounded potential.
It is possible even fairly easy to combine the above with
practical insights and little-understood business secrets from
some of todays most successful entrepreneurs.
Now we can apply these timeless and well-proven principles to
the age of the internet. Yes today you and I have an opportunity
that makes the guys above look small-fry!
Imagine what would happen of there were certain shortcuts to
being successful in life - and in business - that could propel
you to success you just hadnt found them until now!
Imagine how your life would change if you could switch-on a
stream of income that came in regardless of what you were doing.
In other words, you did something that made you money - but
then the money kept coming in whether you were ill, sleeping,
working on something else (maybe a job) or even travelling
the world.
Suppose that it were really very easy to do this - you just
didnt know about it until now. Sounds too good to be true?
Today the internet is coming of age. There are more
opportunities available than people to fill them.
Did you know;
* Online spending reached $95,700,000,000 in 2003! (That's 95.7
billion dollars!). A recent Forrester Research report showed
that online spending was $95.7 billion in 2003 ... and it's
projected to grow to $229 billion in 2008! That's a staggering
139% increase!
* Nearly 5 million NEW households will shop online in the next
five years! Forrester Research also reports that nearly 5
million NEW households will shop online in the next five years
... and that the total number of U.S. online shopping
households will reach 63 MILLION by 2008! That means that, by
2008, online retail sales will account for 10% of the total
U.S. retail sales!
* Even a complete beginner can now build a web site in less
than 48 hours... for LESS than $100! Five years ago, if you
wanted a web site, you needed to either learn HTML
(time-consuming) or hire a web designer to do it for you
(expensive). Now, however, there are tons of FREE and low-cost
tools and resources available that allow you to build a
professional-looking web site by yourself, without ANY
knowledge of HTML! If you can "point & click" your way through
a program like Microsoft Word, you can build a web site and put
it up on the Internet - in less than 48 hours!
* It's EASY to find lucrative business ideas and products to
sell ... using FREE research tools! For the first time in
history, it's EASY to know what products people are actively
looking for... because there are FREE and low-cost research
tools that compile all the figures and statistics for you!
Plus, once you know exactly what people want, it's EASY to
find products to sell to them because there are online tools
that will help you do that, too!
* There are literally 1,000's of FREE and dirt-cheap sources
of traffic for your web site! It's shocking, but true. There
are literally thousands of "neglected" traffic streams --
groups of people who are LOOKING for web sites with particular
products and information, but who can't find what they're
looking for because nobody is talking to them!
You should know that effective marketing is the lifeblood of
any business; a great idea will fail if it isnt marketed right;
a poor idea can be a spectacular success if it is! The single
best way to market ANY business is Direct Marketing 'speaking'
direct to prospective customers and existing customers.
The single biggest opportunity for Direct Marketing ANY
business today is using the internet. Its SO powerful, fast
and efficient compared with traditional techniques that there
is no comparison!
And yet ...
I talk to business owners every day who astound me with just
how little they are actually doing about this spectacular
Why are they doing so little about it? Simple - they just dont
know where to start!
Try this test yourself ...
Ask anyone you know; what exactly are you doing that leverages
business using the internet as an effective marketing tool?
I dont mean ‘putting up a website … that is like building a
factory and then just sitting around waiting for someone to
knock on your door to do business … it isnt going to happen …
and thats just what most people are doing!
Ask them and see!
I dont care what your business is, or where. After twenty
years managing and consulting to businesses of all kinds I know
what works and what doesnt!
You can quickly have more genuine, in-demand, hands-on
knowledge of how to boost any business in todays world … than
99% of the people around you!
Leverage Your Time & Efforts
It has taken people literally thousands of man-hours to
accumulate and communicate this information to your benefit.
It cost people millions of dollars and bucket-loads of blood,
sweat and tears to acquire.
All this knowledge is available to you NOW.
Well, I said this Report would be short. Action is the proper
fruit of knowledge, so over to you;
Tell me which area you want to know more about (fixing your
debts, creating ongoing success or radically increasing your
income or all three).
Tell me what, specifically you would like help with and I will
do my best to deliver!
Let me know what interested you and what you want to know next.
Heres to your success!
David Cross
One last thing. I am pretty old fashioned in some ways. I
believe we are put on this earth to help each other. I have
to make a living, so there are constraints on my time and
resources, but whatever I can do to help you I will.
Talk to me.
David P Cross is Principle of Debt Clearance Secrets.
A growing body of knowledge & tips to;
i) fix your debts,
ii) create ongoing success
iii) radically increase your income.
Want more? Visit http://www.debtclearancesecrets.com and we will
show you how to fix your debts.
If you like the Report, or hate it, let me know. I reply to all
of my emails. I can be reached at