Debt can be a never ending drain of money. Before you even get your paycheck, it is all spent towards the bills. You just can't seem to get ahead.
But you can turn it around. It won't be fast or easy. You will have to really make some changes in your lifestyle. Start by taking the time to look at where you are, where you are going and how you can get there.
First, go on a financial diet. Take every credit card and lock them in a safe deposit box. Don't use them for anything else. No more charges. Now you are forced to live only on what comes through the door.
Go through your bills and cut out all the unnecessaries. Have your satellite television turned off, have the soft water system picked up and cut your utilities by becoming frugal in your energy usage.
Decide how much you will need to spend for groceries and gas from each paycheck. Take the amount out in cash when you deposit your paycheck. This is all the spending money you have. There is no more until the next paycheck.
The idea is to cut out everything you can. Put every cent you can to paying off your debt. If you are having trouble with any of your lenders, you need to start contacting them right away. Be honest, up front and tell them how much you can afford to pay each month. They will usually work with you to prevent your default on the loans.
If you think you can afford to pay off any of your loans, try to offer a settlement of 75% of what is owed. Some may just agree. It will affect your credit report, but if you are in a bankruptcy or bust situation, every little bit can help you. Remember, never be afraid to ask. You might just get a yes. They get something instead of nothing.
Ask for a raise or promotion at work. This could bring in some extra money. Or you might just have to take a second job for a while. It can be worth it in the long run. Think about it this way: you could have no money for four years to pay off your debts or work two jobs for two years to pay them off.
Paying off debt will not be quick and easy. It takes time and sacrifice. Many people sell their homes and use the equity to get out from under credit cards. Others have to take on second jobs. Some have to sacrifice vacations, new clothes and drive older vehicles. But it is worth it.
You don't realize how great it is to live without debt until you come out from under it. You have few worries and more financial options. You can make better choices for your family when you have little debt. You can save for your future and live for today.
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