Want to know if your attitude towards your finances is helping you or damaging your future? Take this Quiz and find out...
I consider myself out of debt when:
1.I don't owe anyone anything
2.I don't owe anyone, except for a mortgage and a car loan
3.I could pay off my credit card debts at any time
4.I'm making all my minimum monthly payments on time
If my friend told me he had several credit cards with all zero balances, I would think:
1.He's very disciplined
2.I should ask him for some tips
3.He must not have much fun
4.What a waste of a lot of unused credit
My bill paying system is to:
1.Sit down each Sunday night and pay what's due in the next ten days
2.Check the pile of bills every few days and pay any that are past due
3.Wait until three days before the ten-day grace period expires
4.Pay a bill when the company calls to remind me I'm late
If I find myself in a financial pinch, I:
1.Reduce my spending and don't charge anything
2.Get a part-time job and pay down some debt
3.Don't worry, just charge everything
4.Don't worry, my dad always helps me out
When we need a new appliance, my spouse and I:
1.Review our budget to decide when we can afford to pay cash
2.Review our budget to make sure we can afford the payments to charge it
3.Go to the store together and get the appliance we want
4.Go to the store separately and each get what we want, to surprise each other.
I pay off my credit cards balances:
1.Every month
2.Every two or three months
3.A couple of times a year
When I buy a new car I'll:
1.Trade in my old one, add a big down payment, and pay the rest with a car loan of three years or less
2.Trade in the current one and pay the rest with a five-year car loan
4.Trade in my old car, which is worth less than I owe on it, and roll over the balance into a six-year loan for the new car
I believe that using professional financial services:
1.Is a good way to learn how to accomplish your goals
2.Is okay for people with complicated finances
3.Is something I'd consider if I had more time
4.Is only for rich people
If something is innacurate on my credit report, I:
1.Call immediately to find out how to dispute it
2.Wait till I have some spare time to call and inquire
3.Order my report again next year and see if it changes
4.Forget about it since it's out of my control
I feel financially comfortable when I:
1.Have a secure income, savings, a growing retirement account and enough insurance coverage
2.Have a good job
3.Have enough money to pay my monthly bills
4.Can get approved for a loan for a new car
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Carmen Shearer is the President and CEO of S&S Financial Solutions. She has worked in the finance arena for over 10 years and holds two engineering degrees and an MBA from a branch of Harvard Business School. S&S Financial Solutions offers you credit repair tools, debt elimintation programs and personal financial information with a 90 days guarantee. For more credit related information go to: http://www.excellentcreditnow.com
or for how to eliminate your debt go to http://www.excellentcreditnow.com/NoMoreDebt.com