Debt settlement is a process that should only be considered by those who are at the brink of bankruptcy. Debt settlement companies can often work out deals with your creditors for 60-75% of the balance of your debt. They also usually work out a no interest payment plan that can lower your total payments and arrange for a pay off in a much shorter time frame.
Debt settlement companies often convince the creditors that an offer to settle for part of their money is better than going through the expense of bankruptcy proceedings.
Most often when a contract is signed with the debt settlement company your creditors will bring your account back to current status. This is called re-aging.
Once an agreement is reached your debt settlement company should make every effort to be fielding all calls from your creditors. Debt settlement takes strict budgeting because you will be making your monthly payment to your debt settlement company instead of your creditors. If you fail to make a payment they usually will drop your case and notify your creditors to proceed with legal actions as needed.
Debt settlement companies also offer credit repair. This is a fee based process but it can be well worth it in the long run. They will work with your creditors to get bad marks removed as a reward for your keeping your end of the deal.
When looking for a reliable debt settlement company you should investigate them throughly and make sure they understand the laws of your state. A good debt settlement company can go a long way towards you gaining stability and getting back on the right track. Always ask lots of questions and use the internet to become more familiar with the process.
T. Grimsley is a staff writer for Wongaa focuses on many of the issues facing young Americans today. If you would like to read more about these issues please visit us at:
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