The majority of mortgage lenders are honest lenders that want to help people as they can. There are however, a number of lenders that take advantage of people. These dirty mortgage lenders take advantage of you by overcharging for finance charges, giving you unreasonable terms in your loan contract, and ultimately trying to take your home by foreclosing. Here is what you need to know to spot a dirty mortgage lender.
Predatory mortgage lenders charge borrowers higher fees, give unfavorable terms, and structure loan contracts to make it difficult to keep up on the payments. This results in homeowners losing their homes to foreclosure; the dirty lender makes money by selling off your home. These lenders prey on homeowners that do not know better; it is important to know your rights and to research mortgage lenders before choosing a loan.
Good Mortgage Lenders
A good mortgage lender offers competitive interest rates based on your financial situation. If you have poor credit the lender will discuss your credit with you and explain how your credit affects your loan. Good mortgage lenders charge reasonable fees, have reasonable terms in their contracts, and do not avoid answering your questions.
Predatory Mortgage Lenders
Bad mortgage lenders charge high application fees, higher closing costs, excessive fees for late payments, and have large prepayment penalties in their loan contracts. Mortgage lenders that require you to purchase services or insurance you do not need as a condition of qualifying for financing are engaging in predatory lending practices. If a mortgage lender tries to get you to borrow more than your home is worth or wants you to sign blank or incomplete documents, this is also the sign of a bad lender.
How to Find a Good Lender
The best way to protect yourself from being taken advantage of is to comparison shop from a variety of mortgage lenders and brokers. Comparison shopping will give you a good idea what fair interest rates, terms, and lender fees are. When you compare loan offers you will easily be able to spot the dirty mortgage lenders. To learn more about finding the right mortgage loan for your home and how to avoid common homeowner mistakes, register for a free mortgage guidebook.
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Louie Latour specializes in showing homeowners how to avoid common mortgage mistakes and predatory lenders. For a free copy of "Mortgage Refinancing: What You Need to Know," which teaches strategies to find the best mortgage and save thousands of dollars in the process, visit
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