Free money is sitting in your finances now, just waiting to help you reduce your debt. Without paying more, you can get out of debt sooner by reducing your interest rates on debts. Using a payback credit card can also help you earn money. And finally, budgeting your purchases will help you stay on track to paying off your debt.
Reduce Your Interest Rates
Reducing your interest rates on short and long term debt is the easiest way to reduce your debt. You can transfer credit card balances for better terms. You can also opt to consolidate debt into a low-rate home equity or personal loan.
To get the most benefit of your freed up money, make the same payment on your debt. Making extra principal payments will help you trim your debt load in no time and you won’t feel a pinch in your finances.
While you have those accounts paid off, consider closing those accounts. Keep the oldest credit lines since they benefit your credit score. However, new accounts could needlessly be restricting your credit options in the future.
Get Paid For Using Your Credit Card
Credit card companies compete through their rates and incentive programs. With payback rates up to 5%, you can be earning extra dollars each month by paying your regular bills or buying groceries.
To get the most, use the card to pay for your everyday purchases. Then pay off the entire balance each month. That way at the end of the year, you will have a sizeable check coming your way. Take that free money to eliminate part of your debt principal.
Cash back credit cards usually have higher rates than other accounts. So if you are planning to carry a balance, shop for the lower rates.
Budget Toward A Goal
Trimming expenses from your budget can also help you find free money in your account. For example, late payments on bills are a needless waste of money. Switching to automatic payments can help avoid this cash loss.
When you do look at your budget, plan toward a pay off goal. How much money a month do you want to put toward your debt? Write that check at payday so you won’t be tempted to spend it. Then make the necessary budget adjustments, knowing that you are getting close to being out of debt.
See my recommended
Debt Reduction Companies online.
Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan
Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.