In today's world of technology, people can file for bankruptcy online. The court has a federal database called PACER that can be accessed online by paying a fee.
Many attorneys file cases online. Also, with the increase in usage some courts actually permit attorneys to file cases on behalf of their clients through online electronic access only, but pro se debtors are typically not allowable to file via the PACER system.
There are several attorneys and services online. Most attorneys are eager to find ways to help debtors via email, but clients have to remember that they still need to sign some documents at some point in time. Attorneys do not prefer to offer document preparation services for debtors with online filing options because these put the attorney in an awkward predicament. He or she then becomes liable to the court as if representing the client throughout the entire process. Most attorneys would prefer to meet each client in person, verify their identity, and develop a personal level of comfort and assurance with each new client.
Attorneys may be held responsible by the court if they are found guilty of negligence and documenting misrepresentations. For that reason, few attorneys are enthusiastic to risk personal liability for anyone who is reluctant to present themselves in person.
Attorneys will request a valid photo i.d. and permission to perform a background check. Once the debtor sets up an attorney/client relationship and signs the documents, few debtors are obligatory to be present in court until the meeting of the creditors (11 U.S.C. Sec. 341) in ordinary cases.
There are several services accessible online that can simplify the procedure of filling bankruptcy without an attorney. These bankruptcy sites will guide debtors through the process and help them to organize all the forms online and then print them out to file with the bankruptcy court. There are also paralegal sites that can allow debtors to file their petition online.
Filing Bankruptcy provides detailed information about filing bankruptcy, filing bankruptcy online, filing chapter 11 bankruptcy, and more. Filing Bankruptcy is affiliated with Free FICO Score.