How Bankruptcy Affects Student Loans
by Martin Lukac |
The vast majority of government student loans cannot be gotten rid of easily, even filing for bankruptcy will not resolve these debts. The only way that these types of loans can be taken care of in bankruptcy is if you can prove that they are a su |
New Bankruptcy Laws
by Eddie Tobey |
The U.S. Government recently approved a bill that brought about some major changes in the bankruptcy laws on April 20, 2005. The bill is called the “The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005”. As per this bill, about 25 |
Personal Bankruptcy Laws
by Eddie Tobey |
Individuals can file for personal bankruptcy as a last ditch effort when their credit reaches the limit. This helps them clear out a few debts by selling their assets and starting a whole new life without creditors beating at their door. The gives |
Understanding Types of Bankruptcy
by Eddie Tobey |
People who are heavily in debts and are in no position to pay them back opt for filing bankruptcy as the last alternative. This gives them the freedom and opportunity to start afresh. Such cases are dealt with by the bankruptcy lawyers, and it is |
Best Credit Card After Bankruptcy - How to Find One
by R. Lawrence Anderson |
Finding the best credit card after bankruptcy is not that difficult, if you know where to look and what to look for.Let’s start by talking about secured and unsecured credit cards. When it comes to applying for a credit card after bankruptc |
Will the New Bankruptcy Laws Help You?
by J Shipper |
Bankruptcy Rules Have Changed, Check It OutThere are 2 sides to the changes in bankruptcy rules.
It will be a lot harder to file bankruptcy under chapter 7 and get a totally clean slate.For businesses, relying on issuing credit, th |
Rebuilding Your Life After Bankruptcy; Don't Cave to Holiday Pressures!
by Alan Thomas |
There's something about shopping during the holidays as I watch consumers being attacked by exuberant cashiers pushing their store's credit card that gets me concerned for those trying to build a solid life after bankruptcy.These clerks see |
Protecting Your Credit Report During Bankruptcy
by Pammila Phillis |
Bankruptcy should always be a last resort (see our Debt Relief section for bankruptcy alternatives). However, if you are determined to file bankruptcy but have not done so yet, then please take your time and don't rush the process - it is more imp |