Debt Collectors; And what you can do to Get Them Out of your Life
by Kenneth DeLashmutt |
FTC opinion letter on validation Section 809(a) of the FDCPA, 15 U.S.C. § 1692g(a)This will be a pretty long lesson and will cover an integral part of validation which is the receipt of the initial or first contact with the debtor by a coll |
Excessive Credit Card Debt Solutions
by Steven Gillman |
Of all the things you can do to resolve your excessive credit card debt, the first thing to do is to stop creating more. I've seen more than one person get out of debt briefly, only to fall back into it. Start changing those habits. Regardless of |
Read Tips For Reducing Your Debts
by David Brown |
In this article you will gain tips on how to reduce debtsIf you have debts at present, you know the hardship and emotional pain that they can cause to yourself and your family. What can be done o change the situation?This is what you |
Three Simple Ways To Use My Credit Repair Tips That May Save Thousands!
by William Lezubski |
My credit repair tips are simple yet they provide ways to help you repair your credit without having to give up your lifestyle!Before I offer you my credit repair information though, I must tell you that not knowing your current debt situat |
Debt Settlement American Style
by Clive Koolidge |
When debt becomes very big, people land in a soup, where there are unable to pay the debts. Its estimates that almost 43% of all Americans have taken debts, which they find difficult to repay back. In fact the majority of their debt is credit card |
How Many Ways Do You Know To Get Rid Of Debt?
by Behzad Mahmoudi |
Debt management solutions are ways of getting rid of debts. There are many debt management solutions. The following are practical debt management solutions to consider.Replace your credit card with a debit card, this way you cannot accumu |
Debt Consolidation - The Basics Of Consolidating Your Debts
by Joseph Kenny |
While bankruptcy is something that should be avoided at all costs, sometimes people get themselves in situations which are next to impossible to get out of. Filing for bankruptcy can make it hard to get a good job, car, or even a house. Despite th |
What Is A Lawsuit Loan Cash Advance?
by Jim Roman |
What Is A Lawsuit Loan Cash Advance?Did you know that if you're involved in a personal injury lawsuit that the cards are stacked against you? Most of the time you'll have to settle for much less than you are legally entitled to because |